An eccentric dreamer in search of truth and happiness for all.

Category: Poetry

Welcome To The World

Welcome to the world little one.
Welcome to a universe of dreams.
Your life is just beginning.
And your future is the stars.

Hello, how are you today?
Are you happy?
Can you hear me?
What are you dreaming about?

You are the culmination of many things.
Of the wishes of ancestors who toiled in the past.
Of the love between two silly cats.
And of mysterious fates that made you unique.

Your name is a famous world leader from history.
The wise sage who led a bygone empire.
A philosopher king if there ever was one.
Someone we hope you’ll aspire to.

The world today is not kind.
But I’ll do my best to protect you from the darkness.
So that your light will awaken the stars.
And you can be all that you can.

Welcome to the world little one.
The world is dreams.
Let your stay be brightness to all.
And may you feel the love that I do.

Happy Birthday, and goodbye.
May your soul live on in the next world.
You who were the wind that never had a chance to take a first breath.
This world wasn’t fair to you.

It doesn’t matter what we were going to name you.
You can be anything, or anyone, now.
I’m sorry we couldn’t save you.
I’m sorry.

Little butterfly.
Perhaps in another parallel world things would be different.
You’d grow up and become a paladin, the things we wished for you.
The dreams that are impossible now.

I will remember you.
I will remember you.
I will remember you.
Happy Birthday, and goodbye.

A Poem

That some moments are etched in eternity
The long lingering doubt
The faintest hope of a dream
The silence of time apart

That some memories are forgotten
The words never spoken
The places once visited
The feelings that cannot be

And yet the world continues to spin
Though hearts stop
And memories fade
And moments end

Tomorrow begins a new chapter
The sky of all colours
The wind that breathes for the first
And silent laughter of the stars

What Does It Mean?

What does it mean to dream of lost ones?

To wish and yearn for a past that never was?

What does it mean to believe in someone?

And hold secrets in your heart for eternity?

What does it mean to not know the future?

But wander through timelines that can’t exist?

What does it mean to seek solace in obscurity?

And to choose to be forgotten rather than seen?

It means that there are places we cannot go.

And dreams we can never fulfill.

It means our hopes are dashed in a darkness unknown.

And yet we stand again to face a mysterious calling.

And so it cannot be.

And yet it must be.

That we reflect the image of the divine.

That we burden ourselves so that others may feel light.

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